Skills and Attitude:
a) Programmer using Fortran; Pascal; BC; VB; ACAD; HG; CirctMaker; EWB; PSIM, EMB; MATLAB; Scilab, MathCAD; DERIVE; LabVolt, LabView, TORA; ETAP; SCADA; Adobe; Various graph programmes and word processors MsOffice; html; JAVA, … etc.
b) Aptitude to work in group and cooperate with the staff for the promotion of department vision.
c) Ability to supervise master and Ph.D. students, to obtain research grants, to develop modern technology, to establish link with industry, and to organise global conference and symposium.
d) Important duty for student mentor and staff committees advisory
e) Fast in response, in an accurate way, to the school and university requirements.
a) Co-investigator on a granted project funded by University Malaysia Sabah on “Solar Powered ECO Friendly Irrigation System” from 5/2016. The project is successfully completed
b) Chief Investigator with 2 researchers of a granted project, funded by University Malaysia Sabah on “Development of Fast Speed Solar Tricycle” from 1/2016. The project is successfully completed
c) Co-investigator on a granted project funded by ministry of development and NGO on “Pico-hydro energy project in Long Pasia village, Knowledge transfer program” from 9/2015. The project is successfully completed
d) Co-investigator on 2 granted projects funded by University Malaysia Sabah on “Prototype Modification of Medical Tele-diagnosis Robot for Pre-Commercialization, and Modelling of a Novel Universal Hybrid Algorithm for Multi Operation Mode Sensorless Brushed D.C. Motor Speed and Position Estimation Using Artificial Intelligent”. Also, Co-investigator on a granted project funded by Environmental and Economic Research Institute (EERi), Myanmar on “Implementation of an Induction Generator based Stand-Alone Micro-Hydro Power Plant for Remote Off-Grid Communities” since 12/2013. These projects are successfully completed
e) Chief Investigator of a granted project, funded by Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) science fund on “Development of Smart Drive Build in AC Motors for Optimal Operations” since 12/2008. The project is successfully completed.
f) Co-investigator on two granted projects, funded by MOSTI science fund on “Hardware design of body sensor device” and “Study of Electrical Properties of Palm Oil Using Kerr-effect Technique” since 5/2008 and 9/2008, respectively. Both projects are successfully completed.
g) Chief Investigator of granted project, funded by Curtin Sarawak Collaboration Research CSCR on “Implementation of an Optimal Energy Saving System with solar tracker at Curtin Sarawak Campus” since 12/2008. Both solar tracker and energy saving are successfully implemented.
h) Chief Investigator of Curtin Sarawak Research Fund CSRF and leader of one postgraduate and 4 undergraduates on ‘Low cost hydrogen fuel cell prototype for hybrid renewable energy system’, 6/2006–12/2007
i) Investigator and leader of three research officers of short term grant project funded by University Sains Malaysia on 'Simulation of Micro-Controller for Induction Motor Drive'; 8/1993-1/1995
j) Main supervisor on 2 PhD students on Sabah power grid stability and on high voltage earthing cables since 2/2016 and main supervisor on a full time master student on high voltage low power device since 2/2014, all programmed at University Malaysia Sabah
k) Main supervisor on two full time master students on energy saving and body sensor device since 3/2008 and 8/2008, respectively. Both were successfully obtained the degree in 2011. Supervising one full time PhD student on conditional monitoring switches since 3/2009. All are programmed at Curtin University
l) Main supervisor on one full time master student on “Hybrid Hydrogen Energy Stored in Stand-Alone Power System”, programmed at Curtin University from 3/2005 to 9/2008. Co-supervisor on one full time PhD student on “Hybrid Optimization Techniques for Industrial Production Planning”, programmed at University Putra Malaysia UPM from 4/2005 to 12/2008. Both were successfully obtained the degree.
m) Chairman of CUTSE conference held in Miri, Malaysia, November 2007.
n) Head of the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, school of Engineering, Curtin university of technology, Sarawak campus, from 7/2005 to 12/2007
o) Published two books on "Modern Mathematics for Engineers", 1994, and “Electric machines and drive systems”, 1997, Library edition. Also, another 7 books on power control and optimization, 3 book chapter and lecture notes on Descriptive geometry, 1992
p) Developed a new Software programs for Engineers and Scientists, such as: 'EMS', 'DYN' & 'IMCWIN'\
q) Published about 120 research articles in international journals, conferences and symposiums.
r) Member of the organising committee of the international ROVPIA conference (two times) in 1994 and 1996, both held in IPOH city, Perak, Malaysia.
s) An external examiner on many PhD, master and FYP theses
t) Over 44 years teaching experience in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics subjects, for about 10 to 600 students per class/theatre, recorded in UK, Australia, Egypt and Malaysia
Administrative and Professional Activities:
1) President of STEM State incorporation, Australia WA from 2014 to 2020
2) President of Asia Pacific solar society and hybrid technology (APSSAHT) 2011 to 2019
3) Member of the international program committee and reviewer of published research papers in learned societies:
Journals: Elsevier, Soft computing, ACTA Press science and technical publishing company, JCIS, Pertanika and Modelling in Management, and
many others. Also many Conferences.
4) Technically collaborator with: InderSscience, AIP, WSEAS, IAEng, Bentham, World science, Hindawi, EUROPT, Springer, Wiley, Elsevier,
Professional Engineering publishing, Taylor & Francis
5) Editor in chief of global journal on technology and optimization (GJTO) since 2010
6) Guest editor of book chapter in IGI-Global ((Idea Group Incorporated) 2011
7) Guest editor of an international journal of computer and mathematics, Elsevier special issues 2010
8) Editor of AIP (American Institute of Physics) online proceedings from 2008 to 2013
9) General Chairman of the annual global conference on power control and optimization PCO since 2008
10) External examiner on the examination paper of 6 units at Wawasan open university since 2007
11) Member of IFAC Committee (International Federation of Automatic Control) for third world section since 2006
12) Member of the school board meetings and several departmental committees formed by the Universities, include: the Curriculum, Graduate studies
and syllabus committee, teaching and consultation committee, lab and examination committee for undergraduate and postgraduate studies, industrial
relation, research and conference committee, academic quality and evaluation committee
13) Member of the Institution of Engineers Australia and Egypt, and member of ISES (international solar energy society)
14) Consultation services for industry in the area of Electricity, Power stations/substation, Power boards and distribution [Tenaga national, Malaysia
1995]; Opto-electronics and digitiser [Morad & partner, Australia 1998]; Drive systems and Industrial automation [ABB & Schneider, Egypt
2001]; Drive control and Renewable Energy [Newtact, Malaysia].
15) Writing all sections of the documentation of the accreditation of three programs at Curtin, Sarawak. Accreditation has been approved by IEAust
and EAC for the period 2007-2010 and 2011-2015
Keynote Speaker
1) Smart Energy Optimization, Hua Hin, Thailand, December 2021
2) Smart Grid and smart home, Mysore, India, October 2016
3) Smart Energy Monitoring and Control, Yangon, Myanmar, December 2015
4) Mobile Control of Appliances and Dynamic Devices, Saskatoon, Canada, October 2015
5) Energy in 2020, Yangon, Myanmar, December 2013
6) Hybrid Energy Technology, Kuching, Malaysia, September 2013