Power Electronics
--------------->>> Devices <<<---------------
Switches and Powers
Power processing and flow
Diode, DIAC, SCR thyristor, TRIAC, transistor, BJT, GTO, MOSFET, IGBT, MCT
Harmonic & current distortion and power factor
--------------->>> Converters <<<---------------
AC/DC rectifier (full and half wave rectifier bridge, harmonics, phase control)
Single phase uncontrolled rectifier (current and voltage distortion)
Three phase uncontrolled rectifier
AC/DC single phase Thyristor controlled converter
Three phase controlled converter
Thyristor inverter and line notch
DC/DC converter (linear regulator)
CCM Buck converter
CCM Boost converter
CCM Buck-Boost and cuk converter
DCM Buck, Boost and Buck-Boost
Iductor filter
Iductor design
Forward and flyback converters
Active rectifier (efficiency, snubbers, filters)
AC/AC converter (cycloconverter, phase control, DIAC and TRIAC)
Quasi-resonance converter
Lab expriment 1
Lab expriment 2
Lab expriment 3
Lab expriments 4
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Assignment 3
--------------->>> Inverters <<<---------------
DC/AC switch mode inverter (sources, bridge and stepped inverter, VSI, CSI)
Single phase inverter (unipolar, bipolar), ripples, push-pull
Three phase inverter (utilization, blanking time)
--------------->>> Drives <<<---------------
Solid state drives and speed control for dc and ac motors
Traction and braking of dc and ac motors
Electric vehicles
Current controller (delta, ramp, hysteresis)
Vector control permanent magnet synchronous motor
--------------->>> Computer control <<<---------------
Data acquisitions system (mother board, interface cards)
Microprocessor control
Converters (A/D, D/A, V/f, S/H, capacitors & snubber)
IC coding, switch and clock
ASIC controller (VLSI) and PLC